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North Venice Little League

Spring 2025 NVLL Baseball Evaluation

Player evaluations are critical for establishing draft pools allowing team managers to draft balanced teams. The results of the spring evaluation are one data point used to determine what division is best for each child. Your child will be placed in a division based on several criteria such as: league age, skill level, prior coaching evaluations and results of the spring evaluations. The total registration count and coaches assigned to the division also have an impact on division assignments. All paid players will make a team thus this is not a “tryout” as it’s commonly called. Waitlisted players should attend evaluations, and if we are able to place your child on a team you will receive a notice to complete online registration and pay. 

Evaluation Dates

Saturday, January 18 and Sunday, January 26
UPDATE: Second evaluation will be held on Sunday February 3rd

All players including those on the waitlist must attend one of the following mandator evaluations.  Please arrive at least 30 mins before your scheduled time to complete check in and warm up. 

 All Ages | Warm Ups All Day Junior Field 
 11 + 12
(Born: 9.1.12 - 8.31.14)
9AM - 10AMMajor Field 
(Born: 9.1.14 - 8.31.15)
10:30AM - 11:30AM Major Field 
 8 + 9 
(Born: 9.1.15 - 8.21.16
9.1.16 - 8.31.17 w/ parent request for AAA eval)
 12PM - 1PMMajor Field for AAA evals 
 13, 14 & 15 (Junior Players)12PM - 1PM Junior Field 
7 & 8 ( AA Players) 2PM - 3PMMinor Field 
6 & 7 (A Players)3PM - 4PM Minor Field 

No evaluations for 5-Pitch, Tball, or Softball

Little League Age
Please see the below League Age determination chart as Little League International has recently made changes to the Little League Age Definition which could impact your child’s age for the 2025 Little League season. 

What Drills are Completed? 
During the evaluation, the player will be asked to do their best in the following skills: fielding, throwing, hitting, and pitching. 

What to Bring?

Players will need to wear baseball attire, protective cup, and cleats as well as have a glove. Only USA baseball bats will be allowed during the evaluations and during the season.

Please write [email protected] with any questions. 


Contact Us

North Venice Little League

3321 Grandview Blvd 
Los Angeles, California 90066

Email: [email protected]

North Venice Little League

3321 Grandview Blvd 
Los Angeles, California 90066

Email: [email protected]
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