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North Venice Little League

Safety First!

The Safety of our Players Comes First!

Here at NVLL we regard the safety of our players with the utmost importance. We do everything we can to keep our facility up to code - in fact we've just done a ton of renovations with the safety of our players and their fans in mind. We've replaced bleachers and dugout roofs, renovated the Snack Shack, added a new backstop to the Majors field, and replaced a lot of old field fencing.

Please do your part to keep our NVLL community safe. How? Here are a few ways you can help.

Abide by the No Dogs Allowed policy.
We are big dog lovers here at NVLL, but bringing dogs to the field is not allowed. There are many reasons for this rule, the most important being the safety of our hundreds of children who stand only dog-tall themselves (often with burger or hot dog in hand).

Learn more about concussions in youth sports. Changing the culture of concussion starts with you! By taking this free, online course and using what you learn, you will be well positioned to improve the culture of concussion. Your actions can help create a safe environment for young athletes so that they can stay healthy, active, and thrive - both on and off the playing field.

Keep cool! Make sure you keep both your player and yourself hydrated! It gets hot at our fields and some of our bleachers have little shade. Wear a hat, bring sun screen, cuddle under a beach umbrella and drink lots of fluids!

Read the 2023 Safety Manual Just a little light reading! In fact, it's so thorough that we had to divide it into two sections. Please read Section 1 first. Once you're through, continue on to Section 2. All volunteers should familiarize themselves and ensure compliance with all safety related policies, procedures, codes of conduct and other information contained within this safety manual.

The Centers for Disease Control has developed the "HEADS UP Concussion in Youth Sports" initiative to offer information about concussions to coaches, parents, and athletes involved in youth sports. The HEADS UP initiative provides important information on preventing, recognizing, and responding to a concussion. The linked site contains a FREE Concussion Training Course for coaches and parents to learn more about treating and preventing concussions in young athletes. All coaches and parents are encouraged to take this course and get certified, as safety is EVERYBODY's job!

Contact Us

North Venice Little League

3321 Grandview Blvd 
Los Angeles, California 90066

Email: [email protected]

North Venice Little League

3321 Grandview Blvd 
Los Angeles, California 90066

Email: [email protected]
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