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North Venice Little League

2024 NVLL All-Stars

2024 North Venice Little League All-Stars

Congratulations to our 2024 All-Stars. Your play and sportsmanship have earned you a spot on an elite team of top-notch players. The managers of each division voted to determine the All-Star All-Star roster for their respective division, and after almost a month of daily practice, our NVLL All-Star teams are ready to compete in the District 25 All-Star Tournament.

We are hosting both the 50/70 and Junior division All-Star Tournaments at NVLL for District and Sectional play for the Juniors, and encourage you to come watch the action, take in some delicious Snack Shack cuisine (yes, they will be open), and cheer for NVLL. Our All-Star teams from other divisions are playing at tournaments hosted by different Little Leagues. Here is the information for all of the All-Star Tournaments, and we would love to see NVLL well-represented in the stands.

8 - 10-year-old All-Star Tournament hosted by Culver City Little League
Click here for the bracket

9 - 11-year-old All-Star Tournament hosted by Santa Monica Little League
Click here for the bracket

10 - 12-year-old All-Star Tournament hosted by West Los Angeles Little League
Click here for the bracket

Congratulations to the 10U  Division All-Star Team and manager Dean Sarabia for taking the District 25 Championship! It's on to Sectionals for our 10U.  Lunada Bay Little League is hosting Sectionals starting Saturday 7/13. Go get 'em boys!
Click here for the Sectionals bracket and more information.  

Congratulations to the 50/70 Division All-Star Team and manager Mark Dewig for taking the District 25 Championship! It's on to Sectionals for our 50/70.  Inglewood Little League is hosting Sectionals starting Tuesday 6/25. Go get 'em boys! 

Congratulations to the Junior Division All-Star Team and manager David Holbert for taking the District 25 Championship! It's on to Sectionals for our Juniors. And NVLL is hosting Sectionals, so it's a home field advantage for our Juniors. Go get 'em boys! 
Click here for the Sectionals bracket and more information. 

Congratulations to the Senior League team managed by Taro Ramberg & Bryan J for capturing the District 25 title! Sectionals to be held at Manhattan Beach Little League starting Saturday, June 25th.
Click here for the bracket and more information.

We also need your help to make the tournaments we are hosting special as special as possible. We are looking for volunteers to assist with field preparation, score keeping and announcing for both the 50/70 and Junior Tournaments. If you are interested in volunteering, please follow the below links to sign up and get involved.

Volunteer link
Let's go North Venice!!!

Contact Us

North Venice Little League

3321 Grandview Blvd 
Los Angeles, California 90066

Email: [email protected]

North Venice Little League

3321 Grandview Blvd 
Los Angeles, California 90066

Email: [email protected]
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