Dear North Venice Little League Community:
Recently, there have been a few incidents where the behavior of individuals on or around the field (including coach-to-coach, parent-to-umpire, and parent-to-parent) has not been consistent with our values and standards as North Venice Little League, and as part of the broader Little League International community.
As we approach playoff season, it is important for us all to remember that we, the parents, coaches, managers, and officials of this league must serve as an example to our players and children at all times. Our league code of conduct reminds us to demonstrate positive behavior at all times, and to refrain from unsportsmanlike conduct. Parents, spectators, players, and coaches/managers must respect each other and the umpires at all time. Please note that umpires do have the right and the obligation to suspend a game should the conduct of an individual or a group of individuals not be consistent with the standards of the league.
If you have questions, please do reach out to us.
Thank you.